(EN) The Call for LHP Applications is open
Today, 8 January 2025, three calls for applications for Lighthouse projects (LHP) are launched under the Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility (CETF), part of the Second Swiss Contribution to Bulgaria. The lighthouse projects aim to strengthen civic participation and engagement in three key areas for the development of a democratic society:
• Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management
• Strategising Civic Space
• Civic Education
Eligible applicants are Bulgarian legal entities registered under the Not-for-Profit Legal Entities Act and the Community Centers - Chitalishte Act at least three years before the deadline of the call and are listed in the Register of Not-for-Profit Legal Entities of the Registry Agency. Each project must be implemented by a consortium led by a Bulgarian organization and include at least one Swiss partner.
The LHP application process has two-stages. During the first stage applicants must submit project concepts, which will undergo an administrative compliance and eligibility check, followed by a quality assessment. Within each thematic area the CETF Steering Committee will select only one concept that will proceed to the second stage for the development of a full project proposal with the support of the Programme Operator, which then is subject to approval by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
The deadline for project concepts submission is 31 March 2025. The application guidelines and the full set of documents needed for application at first stage can be found in section Funding in Bulgarian.
You can download the application documents below:
1.1. Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management Application Guidelines (EN)
1.2. Natural Resources and Biodiversity Management Concept Note Template (EN, for information only)
2.1. Strategising Civic Space Application Guidelines (EN)
2.2. Strategising Civic Space Concept Note Template (EN, for information only)
3.1. Civic Education Application Guidelines (EN)
3.2. Civic Education Concept Note Template (EN, for information only)
The Declaration of Honour (EN) and Partnership Statement (EN) are the same for the three open calls.
A Grievance Redress Mechanism will be published as part of the application documents later in January 2025.
For all questions regarding the application process, applicants can contact the CETF Programme Operator by e-mail: po@swissceft.bg. Answers to all questions received will be published on the CETF website in the relevant Lighthouse project section.
An information day is planned for February dedicated to the LHP application process, during which interested parties will have the opportunity to obtain additional information directly from the PO. For more updates, please follow CETF website and the social media channels Facebook and LinkedIn.